
A) Week 4 - OHS
E2MO2M - 6 minutes
Set 1: 5 reps @ 40%
Set 2: 5 reps @ 50%
Set 3: 5 reps @ 60%
* Percentages based off of 90% of 1RM

B) For time
5 Strict Muscle Ups (Scaled = 5 Strict Pull Ups)
50 Double Unders (3: 1 Singles)
4 Strict Muscle Ups (4 Strict Pull Ups)
40 Double Unders
3 Strict Muscle Ups (3 Strict Pull Ups)
30 Double Unders
2 Strict Muscle Ups (2 Strict Pull Ups)
20 Double Unders
1 Strict Muscle Up (1 Strict Pull Up)
10 Double Unders

* Workout courtesy of Mainsite