
A) Group stretch / warm-up

B) Tribute WOD for Officer Daniel McCartney - former coach & member of the CrossFit Yelm community

Teams of 3
3 rounds for time
2000m Row
14 DB Thrusters (50/35)
34 KB Swings (70/53)
484 Double Unders (2:1 Singles)
108 Burpees
2000m Row
18 Deadlifts (225/185)

"Mortal Hero" - each partner will complete one round each; partners will need to share rowers
"Super Hero" - team of 3 will complete all 3 rounds together; split reps as needed; all three partners can work at the same time to complete reps (estimated time is ~90 minutes)


Officer Daniel McCartney was a coach at CrossFit Yelm and passed away January 8, 2018 when he responded to a home invasion call. Daniel was a husband and father and is survived by his wife, Cierra and three young sons. If you would like to help Officer McCartney's family with donations, please use this link:

Meaning of tribute WOD:
- 3 rounds total / Teams of 3: for his three sons left behind
- 2000m Row + 14 DB Thrusters = year when he started with Pierce County, 2014
- 34 KB Swings = age when he passed away
- 484 Double Unders = badge number
- 108 Burpees = date of his passing, January 8
- 2000m Row + 18 Deadlifts = year of his passing, 2018