
Don't forget to submit your 17.4 scores by 5p!

Lacrosse Ball Workshop is re-scheduled for Saturday, March 25 @ 10:45a with Airrosti! 
Sign-up for a spot here:

Body Fat Test Truck will be coming back on Saturday, April 1 . Sign-up for a spot at the gym!

A) 3 rounds
Burgener Warm-up Variation (45/35 - watch video below)
- Down & up
- Elbows high & outside
- Muscle Snatch
- High Hang Full Snatch
- Full Snatch

B) EMOM - 6 minutes
Power Snatch x2

C) EMOM - 6 minutes
Full Snatch

D) 3 rounds
400m Run
30 Double Unders (3:1 Singles)
10 Front Rack Lunge (135/95)
10 Power Cleans (135/95)