/A) EMOM - 5 minutes
Behind the Neck Jerk
B) EMOM - 5 minutes
Split Jerk
C) E2MO2M - 10 minutes
Behind the Neck Jerk + Split Jerk
D) 2016 Regionals Event 4
10-minute time cap
4 rounds total
28 Alternating Pistols
15 Power Cleans (115/80)
A) EMOM - 5 minutes
Behind the Neck Jerk
B) EMOM - 5 minutes
Split Jerk
C) E2MO2M - 10 minutes
Behind the Neck Jerk + Split Jerk
D) 2016 Regionals Event 4
10-minute time cap
4 rounds total
28 Alternating Pistols
15 Power Cleans (115/80)